I had fabulous transferee clients and we became great friends. They lived in Singapore due to his job. They were originally from East India and were being transferred to the Detroit area. It was my first time to learn how to do international calls. This couple was given to me by the relocation department so I thought nothing of making numerous calls. But my financial guy was quite upset when he got the phone bill. They had a conference with the powers-that-be to decide if I could continue the calls. The decision was “yes” but because they were now coming to the states, it was a moot point.

They were truly a delight, plus they bought a very expensive home which offset the phone call problem. The problem with transferees is that the relocation company took anywhere from 35-38% if the realtor’s (my) commission that I would normally earn. Then they expected us to work doubly hard, always reminding us that this was a “gift” from relocation.

Luckily, these people were fabulous and we became close friends. After they bought their house, they adopted a dog, Buddy, a little brown dachshund. One day, Mrs. B. and their two teenage children and Buddy all went to a paint store to buy more paint for the people who were finishing their basement. On their way back home, an elderly woman practically ran them off the road. The result of this altercation was that one of the cans of paint flew open and covered Buddy with white paint. Poor Buddy looked like a ghost and Mrs. B and the kids thought he actually was a ghost, back from the dead. As soon as the police finished up, the family rushed him off to the veterinarian. He survived the ordeal and so did Mrs. B.’s brand new car, one week old. The next day, the kids wanted to call Aunt Karen to tell what had happened.